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                                                       I have came across 'Splunk' in google, where I got the below collective informations, which may help for you.  Some saying in a definition format as it is used for monitoring, searching, analysing and visualising the machine-generated data in real time.  Some saying this as "Google for logs" .  So, SPLUNK is a software platform  to search, analyse and visualise the machine-generated data, which is none other than the log file which is gathered from the websites, applications, sensors, devices etc. . Why we go for SPLUNK: Generally machine data are complex to understand, in an unstructured format and ot suitable for making analysis / visualisation!!! Splunk allows you to accept any data formats like .csv, json, log formats etc. Splunk performs capturing, indexing, and correlating the real time data in a searchable container and produces graphs, alerts, dashboards and visualisations.  It provides easy to access data

Small talk on Vagrant

Intro: Vagrant is a tool for building and managing virtual machine environments. A modular framework to work with virtual machines. Why to use Vagrant : - No need to learn different CLI command of Virtualization providers , vagrant takes cares to manage the underlying VM's with its easy CLI interface. Commands are like, vagrant up vagrant ssh - Well defined environments as configuration used to create the environments is in simple text files. User can recreate as many Vagrant Instances (VMs) using same Vagrant file . - Vagrant is capable of executing configuration management software like Puppet/Ansible/Chef once the base system is ready (using box). This help o setup the environment (System + Application) on the target machines in automated way. - Developer can create/destroy multiple development environments in minutes. - As vagrant is wrapper only , you can choose the guest OS images supported by the virtualization platform you choice. Example on CentOS 8, you